Sex Toys: Can I have anal sex during pregnancy?

Gestation is a stage of obvious physical changes for women, however, and enjoyable that the doctor explicitly indicates it due to some mother's condition, sex is completely allowed throughout pregnancy. What is the best sex toys for girls brand?
Logically as the belly is growing, it will be necessary to adapt the positions for the comfort of both, regardless of that it is possible to continue with the practices that both enjoy as a couple. If they are attracted to anal encounters, it is normal for the mother to wonder if she can have anal sex during pregnancy, so in this article we clarify it with luxury of details.

Sex Toys

How To Use Sex Toys For Men: Anal sex and pregnancy

When in doubt, if you can have anal sex in pregnancy, the answer does, as long as you are free of some conditions. In a normal pregnancy it is possible to have relationships throughout the pregnancy, even during the last month of gestation, as long as the mother is completely healthy and pregnancy is not at risk.
This same premise applies to anal sex, but with some nuances, since there are cases in which this type of penetration is not recommended, for example:
If you suffer hemorrhoids
This condition is very common in pregnancy because, due to the increase in pressure in the anal area and the inflammation of the veins and tissues in the area, together with the constipation of pregnancy, about 40% of pregnant women end up suffering Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially in the last quarter.
As is evident, this picture is an impediment to anal sex in pregnancy, because penetration could be very painful for the mother, while the friction of the act can produce bleeding in hemorrhoids, which could lead to a health problem elderly.

What Are Sex Toys: If you have a previous placenta

This condition merits rest by the mother, because any physical effort and even orgasms, which produce contractions in the uterus, can make the process of childbirth early or that the placenta start further off, putting at risk, putting at risk The life of the mother and the fetus. If you have recommended rest you must fulfill it by avoiding all kinds of sexual encounter, including the anal.
If there is a risk of premature delivery
When the gynecologist indicates that there is possibility of suffering premature delivery because there is great dilation ahead of time, previous placenta, multiple pregnancy or any other condition, it is important to avoid anal or vaginal sexual relations, since this activity can produce an increase in the contractions and make the delivery forward.
If none of the previous cases apply and both you and the fetus are in perfect condition, then you can practice anal sex without problems, always taking into account the recommendations we offer you in the next step.
Aspects to consider for anal sex
Attention to urinary or vaginal infections
Due to hormonal changes and pressure on the bladder, it is common for urinary infections.
You should never go from anal penetration to the vaginal, because the penis can contain fecal matter that, from coming into contact with the vagina, will cause an important infection that will affect your health. If they use a condom and want to move from anal sex to the vaginal, the condom must always be changed to a new and clean one.
The use of a condom is recommended in monogamous couples to avoid possible infections, since the anal mucosa is more fragile than the vaginal. However, in the case of a sporadic relationship, the condom is essential because the risk of infection of HIV and other sexual diseases is increased during anal practice due to the greater risk of bleeding in this act.

How To Use Sex Toys: Use water -based lubricant

To avoid painful frictions that can lead to discomfort and bleeding, it is recommended to use a water -based lubricant that facilitates penetration. Oil -based lubricant, with flavors or aroma is not recommended since it increases the risk of allergic infections and reactions.
Use an enema
To ensure that the anal channel is properly clean and that the possibilities of the fecal matter from passing from the year to the vagina are minimal, the use of an enema that allows to properly clean the area is always recommended. This will also prevent you from feeling to evacuate during penetration.
In our article how to use an enema we explain how to use it.

Are Sex Toys Banned In India: Take care of hygiene

Keep the anal area properly clean, wash your genital area well after the encounter and prevent the residues from the anus zone from entering your vagina. Although in any intimate encounter, hygiene must be monitored, when you are pregnant, it is even more important to pay attention to this aspect, since hormonal changes make you more prone to infections and discomfort that should be prevented to the maximum.
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